Monday, June 26, 2006

Letter to illegal mind altering substances

.....written by a person who I respect.....

Letter to illegal mind altering substances

You live off of the suffering souls in humanity
who choose you in fear of
their inability to reach the summit
of their own expectations.

You are chosen by the frustrated
the angry
the hurting
and the frightened
to cloak the truth so challenges can remain hidden
and opportunities can be missed without regret.

There is no regret where numbness reigns.

You create zombies out of people
who used to care
used to plan
used to work together
towards a purpose

But now only exist
without care
without joy
without hope
To fill their craving for you.

You create orphans and widows
of those left behind
from the victims who's spirits you now control

Whether existing or dead.
it's all the same to those left alone
their efforts destroyed
their work doubled
their pay off slashed
their joy violated
by the loss of dreams
which you stole from them.

You deny God the satisfaction of seeing her creations
fulfill the purpose of their birth.

You take away,
but you do not give back.
You selfishly only serve yourself.

You are a ball and chain
a monkey on the back
a crick in the neck
a 100% interest loan
and a force to be reckoned with.

But there is one thing that you do not control
born into each human on earth
distinguishing ourselves from our animal counterparts
a gift from God our mother
and the one thing that can destroy you;

Free will.


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