Thursday, January 08, 2009


 Doug's mom is a wonderful person.
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we like this house

 ...bouldery backyard.
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construction at the shrine

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please read

 The Shrine of St. Joseph's in Yarnell, AZ
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Shrine Drive Yarnell, AZ
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come with me

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Doug and Jesus

 I told Doug he looks like Jesus.
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my kind of place

 ...right in the boulders.
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 I like this one too
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Yarnell, AZ

 I like this one.
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family portrait

 ....missing are Stephanie and Michelle.  Sidney is getting so pretty!
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The Palace

 ...we ate here.  now we need to see the movie.  
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now we're in Prescott!

 It's 1/2/09 and now we're in Prescott, AZ.  
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amazing camera just beaped "low battery"
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one of the Gods

 ...sitting on his frozen throne
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thirds sky/red rock/snowy terra
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 ...there are just no words...
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Mr. Potato Head

 ....that's what we called this one.
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majestic camera battery was nearly dead by this time...
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a favorite

 ..Arches 1/1/09
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dead tree in Arches

 ...I have a thing for dead trees...
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